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SCA Intent to Enroll Form 2023-24

Dear potential Synergy Charter Academy ("Elementary Charter School") parents/guardians:

This form may be used to support Synergy Charter Academy's request for facilities pursuant to Proposition 39 (California Education Code section 47614). By submitting this form, you are indicating that you are meaningfully interested in enrolling your child in Synergy Charter Academy's classroom-bsaed program during the 2023-24 school year. Thank you very much for your support and cooperation!

Please fill out one form for EACH student.

Student Information

Student's Home Address (including zip code):

Answer Required
Does this student currently attend Synergy Charter Academy ("Charter School")?
Answer Required
Is this child a resident of Los Angeles Unified School District ("LAUSD")?
Answer Required

Home Address

Answer Required

By signing below, I am indicating that I am meaningfully interested in enrolling or re-enrolling (as applicable) the above named child in Charter School for the 2023-24 school year. I understand that signing this form does not guarantee enrollment in the Charter School. I further understand that this information will be disclosed to the LAUSD to support Synergy Charter Academy’s request for facilities under Proposition 39.

Signature of Parent/Legal Gardian:*
By checking the box below, I acknowledge that the above information is correct.
Answer Required
Confirmation Email